In the search for missing college student Riley Strain, new police body-worn camera footage has been released showing an encounter between a Nashville officer and Strain just before his disappearance on March 8. However, it appears that the investigation has taken an unexpected turn as TikTok users assisting with the search claim to have found Strain’s credit card near the Cumberland River in Nashville.

The TikTok users, going by the handles @nobodyleftbehind13 and @annaclendening, were livestreaming their search on TikTok when they stumbled upon the missing student’s credit card. The video, posted on @livelyriley’s account, captures the moment when one of the users exclaims, “S—. I found his credit card.” The urgency in their voices is evident as they quickly realize the significance of their discovery.

According to Chris Dingman, a close friend and spokesperson for the Strain family, the credit card was found in the area where Strain was last seen. Dingman expressed his gratitude towards the TikTok users, describing them as a “dynamic duo” and acknowledging their efforts in bringing attention to the case. The discovery of the credit card has provided a potential lead for the investigation, as it was found in close proximity to the last known location of Strain’s phone ping.

Despite this development, Strain’s disappearance remains shrouded in mystery. Dingman referred to it as “the perfect crime,” highlighting the perplexity surrounding the vanishing of a 6-foot-5, blond-haired, blue-eyed individual. The family is left with countless questions and few answers, making the search for Strain all the more urgent.

During a press conference, Strain’s family called for additional resources to aid in the search. The United Cajun Navy, an organization known for its disaster response efforts, has joined the search and will be providing a hovercraft and a pilot to assist in scouring the Cumberland River.

The events leading up to Strain’s disappearance have also come under scrutiny. He was visiting Nashville for his fraternity’s spring formal trip and had been drinking with friends at Luke Bryan’s downtown bar. Strain was asked to leave the establishment, but there were no reports of any altercations or distress at the time. The family was surprised by this development, as Strain is described as non-confrontational and courteous.

As the search for Riley Strain continues, his loved ones remain hopeful for his safe return. The discovery of his credit card has injected a glimmer of hope into the investigation, but there are still many unanswered questions. The efforts of the TikTok users and the assistance provided by organizations like the United Cajun Navy demonstrate the collective determination to find Strain and bring him back home.

It is crucial for authorities and the public to remain vigilant and share any relevant information that could aid in locating Riley Strain. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance demand swift action and a unified effort in the search for answers.

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