Hamas Prevents Fuel Delivery to Gaza Hospital, Israeli Defense Forces Say

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have accused the Palestinian movement Hamas of obstructing the delivery of fuel to the “Ash-Shifa” hospital in the Gaza Strip. In an official statement released on their Telegram channel, the IDF stated that they had sent 300 liters of fuel to the hospital for urgent medical needs, but Hamas prevented its transfer.

According to the IDF spokesperson, “On the evening of November 11, the IDF coordinated the delivery of fuel to the ‘Ash-Shifa’ hospital. Early in the morning, IDF soldiers arrived at the hospital entrance and placed 300 liters of fuel. However, we soon received evidence that Hamas had prevented the medical facility from receiving the fuel.”

The IDF further supported their claim by providing a recording of a conversation between an IDF officer and a senior official from the Gaza Ministry of Health. In the recording, the official confirms that the Hamas Director-General of the Ministry of Health had prohibited them from receiving the fuel.

This incident occurred after Israel announced a temporary ceasefire in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. A humanitarian corridor was established from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to facilitate the evacuation of Palestinians from the north to the south of Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had previously vowed to destroy Hamas, which remains a major source of tension in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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