Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Aims to Break Historical Pattern as First Floridian President

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is setting his sights on making history as the first Floridian president. With a record-breaking reelection win under his belt, DeSantis is now positioning himself as a conservative candidate in the crowded presidential primary. As he prepares for the third GOP debate in his home state, DeSantis hopes to avoid the fate of former Democratic Governor Reubin Askew, who dropped out of the race after finishing eighth in New Hampshire in 1984.

If DeSantis or former President Donald Trump were to win the presidency next year, it would mark the first time Americans have chosen a Floridian to lead them. Despite being home to Disney World’s Hall of Presidents, Florida has not historically been a place to look for presidential representation from the nation’s third-largest state. However, DeSantis hopes to leverage his home court advantage to highlight his accomplishments in the Sunshine State.

Florida has long been influential in national politics, especially during the controversial 2000 presidential election when recounts and court challenges ensued. As its population has exploded, more and more Floridians have sought the presidency. In the 2016 presidential cycle, former Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio were considered front-runners for the Republican nomination. However, their campaigns were overshadowed by Donald Trump, who utilized branding and insults to rise to the top of the GOP.

Trump, who eventually made Florida his residence and voter registration, carried the state in the 2020 election but lost to President Joe Biden in the Rust Belt. This added his name to the list of Floridians who have lost a presidential bid, including Askew, Bush, Rubio, and former Senator Bob Graham.

While Florida’s population has grown and its demographics have shifted, its politics have also changed. Once a key swing state, the state has become reliably Republican in recent presidential contests. Republicans now hold power in the state Legislature and governor’s office, and voter registration numbers have shifted in their favor.

Despite these changes, Florida remains unpredictable in presidential years. Trump is currently leading in Florida polls and is actively seeking to boost support with the state’s Hispanic voters. The state’s political scene continues to evolve, and if DeSantis or Trump do not win in 2024, there are already speculations about potential future candidates, including Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Rick Scott.

Florida’s growing importance in national politics is evident. The state’s population, electoral college votes, and campaign funding make it a significant player in presidential elections. Former Republican strategist Rick Wilson believes that Florida’s political maturity came later compared to other states, but now it is ready for a candidate with the necessary skills.

As DeSantis gears up for the third GOP debate, all eyes are on whether he can break the historical pattern and become the first Floridian president. The outcome of the 2024 election will determine if Florida’s political influence continues to rise or if another opportunity for a Floridian president will arise in the future.

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