US ‘Humanitarian’ Strategy in Gaza: A Delusional Display of False Salvation for Real Starvation

The recent US ‘humanitarian’ strategy in Gaza is nothing more than a false salvation for real starvation. While the American media has been quick to highlight the US government’s aid initiatives in Gaza, including the United States Air Force participating in aid airdrops and President Joe Biden’s plan to build a temporary floating dock, it is important to see through the smoke and mirrors. This so-called humanitarian effort is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to cover up the Israeli-made famine and divert attention away from the Israeli genocide that the US has enabled.

The United States has a history of using its military abroad for grandiose displays of power that often fail to achieve their intended goals. These displays are more about responding to domestic political dictates and showcasing America’s might than actually making a meaningful impact. If the US truly wanted to save Palestinian lives, it could simply force Israel to end its genocidal campaign in Gaza and allow for the flow of food and medical aid. After all, without US support, Israel would not be able to continue its aggression and siege.

Furthermore, there are serious doubts about the efficacy of the temporary floating dock. Who will distribute the imported goods? Will they reach all Palestinians in need? Will the humanitarian aid only reach certain parts of Gaza, leaving others in dire conditions? And what about the potential for Israel to use the dock as an exit route for Palestinians forced out of Gaza? These are important questions that need to be addressed.

Additionally, the US government’s sudden shift to humanitarian action after months of supporting Israel’s starvation tactics is questionable at best. It relieves Israel of its legal responsibility to protect civilians and may shield it from being held accountable for its war crimes. This is a dangerous precedent that should not be ignored.

It is clear that the US will continue to use these diversionary tactics in the coming months while also extending military support to its ally. The mainstream media, as it has done before, will play a crucial role in promoting this show without much scrutiny. We will be bombarded with images of the US military in action, shaping a failed foreign policy into a spectacle of technological awe and false human caring.

There is a more logical and less expensive way forward, as outlined by the European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. He called for the UN Security Council to unanimously adopt a resolution endorsing a two-state solution and defining the general principles that could lead to a permanent resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This approach would put an end to the theatrics and war crimes emanating from Tel Aviv and Washington and pave the way for a just and lasting peace.

It is time for the US government to stop using humanitarian aid as a cover-up and start taking real action to address the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The lives of innocent Palestinians depend on it.

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