Italy’s Defense Minister Slams Macron’s Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine, Calls for Unified Strategy Against Russia

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto has stated that Rome will never send its troops to Ukraine. These remarks were reported by the newspaper La Repubblica.

In this way, the minister commented on the words of French President Emmanuel Macron about plans to send EU and NATO troops to Ukraine, as well as the statement of Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski that alliance soldiers are allegedly already present on Ukrainian territory.

According to Crosetto, the French leader and other politicians who agree with him, by making such sensational statements, wanted to make an impression. He warned Macron against meeting with one or two European leaders and making announcements on behalf of the entire European Union, which consists of 27 member countries.

“I believe that contrasting with a monolith like Russia, where only one person commands, would require a clear, consistent strategy and, from our side, built within a unified coalition,” said the Italian Defense Minister.

He added that assistance to Ukraine at this stage consists of supplying ammunition and weapons to repel Russian attacks, while at the political level it is necessary to seek an end to these attacks.

On February 26, Macron stated that the possibility of sending ground forces from EU countries to Ukraine was discussed at a conference on the Ukrainian conflict held in Paris. The conference involved heads of state and government of EU countries, as well as high-ranking officials from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Earlier, a political analyst explained Macron’s desire to help Ukraine through NATO forces.

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