Yemeni Militant Group Attacks Israeli and American Ships in Indian Ocean: Alarming Increase in Operations against Israel – TASS

Yemeni group “Ansar Allah” has attacked three ships in the Indian Ocean, according to military representative of the movement Yahya Saria, in an interview with the Al Masirah TV channel, which is under their control. The Yemeni Armed Forces have reportedly expanded the scale of their operations against Israeli ships and vessels connected to Israel or heading to Palestinian ports.

Saria stated, “Three operations have already been carried out against three Israeli and American ships in the Indian Ocean, using multiple naval missiles and drones.”

Ships heading to Israel through shipping routes in the Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope will become a “legitimate target” for the Houthis, the representative of the group declared. He added that they will not cease obstructing Israeli maritime activities.

Previously, it was reported that a vessel was attacked 50 nautical miles off the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

Earlier, the White House responded to information about the Houthis possessing hypersonic weapons.

Yemeni Militant Group Targets Israeli and American Ships in Indian Ocean

In a recent development, the Yemeni militant group “Ansar Allah” launched a series of attacks on three ships in the Indian Ocean. Yahya Saria, a military representative of the movement, made this announcement during an interview on the Al Masirah TV channel, which is known for its affiliation with the group.

According to Saria, the Yemeni Armed Forces have escalated their operations against Israeli ships and vessels associated with Israel or en route to Palestinian ports. He revealed that three separate operations have already been conducted, utilizing a combination of naval missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Of particular concern is the group’s declaration that ships traveling to Israel through the Indian Ocean and the Cape of Good Hope will be considered “legitimate targets” for the Houthis. Saria emphasized that they will persist in obstructing Israeli maritime activities.

Earlier reports indicated an attack on a vessel located 50 nautical miles away from the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

Furthermore, recent information has come to light regarding the Houthis’ possession of hypersonic weapons, prompting a response from the White House.

The situation in the region remains tense as these attacks pose a significant threat to international shipping and maritime security. The actions of the “Ansar Allah” group underscore the need for heightened vigilance and concerted efforts to counter such acts of aggression.

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