NATO Secretary General Calls for Strengthening Air Defense and Missile Defense against Russia’s Hypersonic Missiles

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has stated that the North Atlantic Alliance must strengthen its air defense (AD) and missile defense (MD). He was quoted by RIA Novosti.

According to the Secretary General, Russia’s hypersonic missiles pose a threat and demonstrate the significant investments that the Russian Federation has made in the development of modern weapon systems. However, he said that the alliance allegedly has the capabilities to defend against such weapons.

“This also demonstrates the importance of strengthening AD and MD, not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively,” Stoltenberg added.

This week, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia is ahead of other countries in terms of the level of modernization of its nuclear triad.

It is noted that only two countries in the world possess a nuclear triad – Russia and the United States. According to the Russian President, all experts studying this issue are unanimous in their opinion about the superiority of the Russian nuclear triad over the American one in terms of modernization levels.

Prior to this, Putin stated that the hypersonic missile system “Zircon” reliably ensures Russia’s security.

Earlier, Trump explained where Russia’s “super-duper” missiles came from.

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