Shiite Group Successfully Tests Hypersonic Missile, Threatens Israel; US and UK Plan Stronger Campaign Against Houthis

Shiite group “Ansar Allah” conducted tests of a high-precision hypersonic missile in Yemen, according to a military source close to the group, as reported by RIA Novosti.

The source stated that the missile, tested by the rocket forces, is capable of reaching speeds of up to Mach 8 (10,000 km/h) and operates on solid fuel.

According to the source, the Houthis intend to manufacture this missile for use in attacks in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, as well as against targets in Israel.

Simultaneously with the hypersonic missile tests, the group has also upgraded its rockets and drones, modifying the explosive warheads to double their destructive power.

Previously, the Financial Times reported that the Iranian ship “Behshad,” which outwardly resembles a regular cargo ship, may assist the Houthis in attacking vessels in the Red Sea.

Earlier, the US and the UK decided to intensify their campaign against the Houthis.

Contextualizing the situation, it is important to note that the Shiite group “Ansar Allah,” commonly known as the Houthis, has been engaged in a protracted conflict in Yemen. The group, backed by Iran, has been accused of destabilizing the region and posing a threat to neighboring countries, including Israel. This recent development of testing a hypersonic missile with high destructive capacity raises concerns about the escalation of violence and the potential for further destabilization.

It is worth noting that the Houthis’ actions align with Iran’s interests, as the Iranian regime seeks to expand its influence in the region and challenge the existing power dynamics. The support of Iran, a known sponsor of terrorism, towards the Houthis underscores the need for a robust response from the international community to counter their aggressive actions.

Furthermore, the involvement of the Iranian ship “Behshad” in facilitating attacks against vessels in the Red Sea raises serious questions about Iran’s role in supporting illegal activities and piracy. This revelation further underscores the urgency of addressing Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region.

In response to these developments, the United States and the United Kingdom have decided to strengthen their campaign against the Houthis. This move reflects a firm stance against the Iranian-backed group and their destructive actions.

It is crucial for the international community, especially the United States and its allies, to take decisive actions to counter the threat posed by the Houthis and their Iranian backers. This includes imposing stricter sanctions, increasing military presence in the region, and supporting the legitimate government of Yemen in its efforts to restore stability and security.

The recent tests of a hypersonic missile by the Houthis highlight the need for a coordinated and robust response to address the growing threat posed by Iran and its proxies. The international community must unite in condemning these actions and taking concrete steps to ensure peace and stability in the region.

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