House Speaker Johnson Sparks Controversy with GOP Hardliners: Motion to Vacate Rules Under Fire

House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana has suggested that there could be a rule change in the next Congressional term to make it more difficult to remove a House Speaker from power. Speaking at the annual retreat for House Republicans in West Virginia, Johnson expressed optimism that the GOP could retain and expand its House majority in the upcoming November elections. He also indicated that a change to the motion to vacate rules, which govern the removal of a speaker, could be on the horizon.

This potential rule change follows the ousting of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy earlier this year. McCarthy had agreed to lower the threshold for triggering a vote to recall the House leader, allowing just one person to initiate the process. However, he was later removed from his position by a coalition of eight House Republicans and all Democrats after Rep. Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate against him. Johnson, who was elected as the new Speaker, acknowledged that the majority of lawmakers may want to revisit this rule change.

Critics of the eight House Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy argued that their actions led to a high level of instability. Many House Republicans expressed a desire to restore norms and promote thoughtful and deliberative conversations, even across party lines. Johnson noted that discussions about revising the motion to vacate rules are common among House members, and he expects there will likely be a change in the future. However, he emphasized that he has not personally advocated for this change and does not consider it a pressing issue at the moment.

Both Republicans and Democrats have openly discussed the need to raise the threshold for triggering a vote to remove a Speaker. Johnson highlighted the importance of a more normal legislative process on the House floor and suggested that this issue should be addressed in due course. He believes it is crucial to be good stewards of the institution and intends to consider the potential rule change as part of the House rules package and respective caucus and conference discussions in the new Congress.

Elizabeth Elkind, a politics reporter for Digital, has been closely following the developments in the House of Representatives. Her coverage of the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and in-depth political analysis can be found on Twitter at @liz_elkind. For news tips and updates, she can be reached at [email protected].

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