LSU Rape Case Descends into Victim Blaming as Defense Lawyers Seek Verbal Consent from Madison Brooks’ Previous Sexual Partner

In a shocking turn of events, defense lawyers representing one of the alleged rapists in the case of Madison Brooks, a Louisiana State University student, have claimed that they obtained verbal consent from Brooks before the incident occurred. Attorney Joe Long, who is representing Casen Carver, filed a motion to subpoena and interview a male student who supposedly had consensual sex with Brooks just 24 hours before the attack. Long argues that this information could potentially exonerate his client.

However, this latest filing has been met with strong criticism from Brooks’ family’s lawyer, Kerry Miller, and East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore. They argue that Long’s motion is “totally improper” and vow to fight against it. Miller points out that this tactic by the defense is a clear case of victim-blaming and an attempt to circumvent the law.

It is important to remember the tragic circumstances surrounding this case. Madison Brooks, a 19-year-old LSU sophomore, was allegedly raped in January 2023 before being fatally struck by a car. The details of her assault are horrifying, with Carver allegedly seen laughing in a self-recorded cellphone video and making disturbing remarks about the attack. He and three other suspects met Brooks at a bar before she was raped and left on the side of a busy highway where she was ultimately killed.

The defense’s attempt to shift blame onto Brooks and seek information from individuals who may have had consensual encounters with her is a clear tactic to discredit her and undermine the seriousness of the crime committed against her. It is an insensitive and offensive move that disregards the pain and trauma experienced by the victim and her family.

Furthermore, the defense’s argument that obtaining statements from the male student and Brooks’ female friend is vital to the case is questionable at best. The woman has already stated that she would not testify, and the defense has been unable to reach the man. It seems that this motion is nothing more than a desperate attempt to find any shred of evidence that could help Carver’s case.

It is crucial that the court upholds the rape shield law and recognizes the attempt by the defense to violate it. Victim-blaming should have no place in our legal system, and those responsible for this heinous crime must be held accountable. Madison Brooks’ memory deserves justice, and her family deserves closure. Let us hope that the court sees through the defense’s tactics and focuses on the truth of what happened to this young woman.

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