Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney Fears Re-Election of Trump in 2024; House Republicans Accuse Jan. 6 Committee of Deleting Records and Promoting False Narrative

House Republicans released a scathing report on Monday, accusing the Jan. 6 select committee of deleting records and hiring “Hollywood producers” to push a political narrative. The report, released by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight, claimed that the committee focused primarily on former President Donald Trump and his supporters, rather than addressing the security failures and reforms needed to ensure the safety of the United States Capitol.

The report also highlighted the committee’s alleged collaboration with Hollywood producers to edit closed-circuit television footage and other video materials for use in public hearings. According to the report, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made the unprecedented decision to refuse to appoint minority members chosen by the minority to the Select Committee, further fueling claims of a biased investigation.

Furthermore, the report criticized the composition of the committee, arguing that former GOP representative Liz Cheney should not have served as vice chair since the position should have been reserved for a Democrat. The report suggested that Cheney’s appointment was a deliberate attempt to focus the committee’s attention on President Trump.

Republicans have long raised concerns about the committee’s construction, including a court case in 2022 where a federal judge validated the committee’s investigative pursuits. Loudermilk’s report also accused the committee of deleting records and hiding evidence prior to Republicans regaining control of the House in the 2022 election cycle.

Former President Trump has consistently claimed that the committee deleted and destroyed evidence, accusing Liz Cheney of illegal actions. Cheney responded to the report, arguing that it works to “cover up” Trump’s actions during the events of January 6.

Last week, Loudermilk’s office released transcripts of a withheld committee interview with a Trump administration official, Anthony Ornato, which reportedly contradicted the committee’s claim that they did not have evidence showing the Trump White House requested National Guard assistance for January 6. Cheney’s spokesperson, Jeremy Adler, dismissed the report as false, stating that no transcripts were destroyed and that the committee adhered to its obligations regarding sensitive security information.

The Loudermilk report also alleged that Thompson and Cheney promoted a “star” witness’ revised testimony while hiding contradictory testimony. It further claimed that the committee colluded with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to prosecute Trump in Georgia for alleged election racketeering.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office declined to comment on Loudermilk’s report. Thompson responded to the report, calling it dishonest and accusing Loudermilk of deflecting from Trump’s responsibility for the events of January 6.

Loudermilk emphasized that his report is just the beginning of his efforts to uncover the truth about January 6 without political bias. He stated that the American people deserve a genuine investigation into the violent breach of the Capitol.

The release of this report adds fuel to the ongoing political controversy surrounding the Jan. 6 select committee. With Republicans and Democrats at odds over its composition and investigative approach, the committee’s findings and actions continue to be a subject of debate and criticism.

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