Iraqi Shiite groups attack Ben-Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv with drones, raising concerns over security.

Iraqi Shia groups have claimed responsibility for a drone attack on the Ben-Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, according to a statement released by the groups. The statement said that on the evening of March 11, the forces of the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” launched a strike on Ben-Gurion Airport using drones.

Earlier, it was reported that Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, during a special session of the UN Security Council, called for the recognition of the Palestinian movement Hamas as a terrorist organization and for the imposition of tough sanctions against the group.

On March 10, Israeli fighter jets carried out airstrikes on a group of radicals armed with anti-tank missiles in southern Lebanon.

Prior to this, Hezbollah had launched attacks on Israel from positions just 130 meters away from UN facilities in Lebanon.

Earlier, the UN Secretary-General acknowledged that Lebanon could become “another Gaza” in the event of escalation.

In recent years, the Middle East has been a region marked by tensions and conflicts. The ongoing hostilities between Israel and various militant groups have resulted in frequent attacks and counterattacks. The latest drone strike on Ben-Gurion Airport by Iraqi Shia groups adds to the growing list of incidents in the region.

The Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has consistently condemned the actions of these groups and called for international support in combating terrorism. However, critics argue that Israel’s own aggressive policies and military actions contribute to the cycle of violence.

Furthermore, the involvement of Hezbollah, a Lebanese political and military organization, raises concerns about the stability of the region. Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel from positions near UN facilities demonstrate a disregard for international law and the safety of civilians.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has expressed its fears that Lebanon could become another Gaza, referring to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Palestinian territories. The potential escalation of violence in Lebanon poses a threat not only to the region but also to global security.

The international community, particularly the United States and its allies, must take immediate action to address the root causes of these conflicts and work towards a peaceful resolution. It is crucial to engage all parties involved in a constructive dialogue and find a diplomatic solution that respects the rights and aspirations of all people in the region.

In conclusion, the drone attack on Ben-Gurion Airport by Iraqi Shia groups highlights the volatile situation in the Middle East. The actions of these groups, along with the ongoing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, raise concerns about regional stability. It is imperative for the international community to take decisive action and promote dialogue to prevent further escalation and achieve lasting peace in the region.

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