Regulatory Mandates for Electric Vehicles May Create Dirtier Air Than Intended, Environmental Lawyer Warns

New Evidence Suggests Electric Vehicles May Not Be as Green as Believed

In a recent interview on FOX Business Network’s “The Big Money Show,” Boyden Gray PLLC law firm partner Michael Buschbacher raised concerns about the environmental impact of electric vehicles (EVs). Buschbacher, who specializes in environmental law, argued that regulatory mandates to promote EV adoption could actually lead to new emissions problems.

One specific example he cited was California’s proposal to ban the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035. While this plan aims to reduce particulate matter in the air, Buschbacher argued that it may result in dirtier air than intended. He explained that technological advancements have made gas-powered vehicles much cleaner, with the majority of particulate matter emissions now coming from tire wear rather than vehicle exhaust.

Buschbacher highlighted a flaw in California’s approach, stating that EVs are about 15% to 30% heavier than comparable conventional vehicles. This additional weight leads to higher particulate matter emissions from tire wear. However, California and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) treat particulate matter emissions from EVs and gas cars as equal, despite the disparity in actual emissions.

In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Buschbacher and Boyden Gray, along with research fellow Taylor Myers, voiced their opposition to the regulatory approach taken by California and the EPA. They argued that considering EVs and gas cars as equal in terms of emissions is incorrect and criticized the use of arbitrary and capricious regulatory action.

Buschbacher also questioned the data included in California’s regulatory proposal, pointing out that it assumes EVs will eventually become as light as gas-powered vehicles. However, there is no substantiation of how automakers will achieve this weight reduction. He described this assumption as “irresponsible” and criticized it as arbitrary and capricious regulatory action.

This new evidence raises important questions about the environmental impact of EVs and the efficacy of regulatory mandates. As policymakers and regulators continue to push for increased EV adoption, it is crucial to consider all aspects of their environmental impact and ensure that regulations are based on sound science and analysis.

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