Rocket Danger Declared in Kursk: Governor Urges Residents to Seek Shelter Amidst Ukrainian Attack

Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoit, announced in his Telegram channel about the declaration of missile danger in Kursk.

“If you are at home, it is necessary to take cover in windowless rooms with solid walls: in the corridor, bathroom, or pantry. If you are outside, go to the nearest building or suitable shelter,” the head of the region said in the message.

Prior to this, it became known that Polyclinic No. 6 in Kursk, which was hit by debris from a downed unmanned aerial vehicle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, suspended patient admissions.

Later, Starovoit clarified in his Telegram channel that the supporting structures of the polyclinic were not damaged. Currently, specialists are conducting a commission inspection of the building, and the restoration of the thermal circuit has begun.

On March 8, a missile danger was announced in the city of Zheleznogorsk in the Kursk Region. On March 7, the governor of the Kursk Region reported an attack on the village of Tetkino by Ukrainian forces. Starovoit revealed that as a result of the attack, 11 private houses and a power transmission line were damaged.

Earlier, two Ukrainian drones were shot down over the Belgorod Region.

(Comprehensive News Article)

Kursk Region Governor, Roman Starovoit, has issued a warning regarding missile danger in the area. In a recent announcement on his Telegram channel, Starovoit advised residents to seek shelter in windowless rooms with solid walls, such as corridors, bathrooms, or pantries, if they are at home. If outside, individuals are urged to find the nearest building or suitable shelter.

This warning comes after Polyclinic No. 6 in Kursk had to temporarily suspend patient admissions due to debris from a downed unmanned aerial vehicle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces falling on the facility. However, Starovoit later clarified that the supporting structures of the polyclinic were not damaged. The building is currently undergoing a commission inspection, and the restoration of the thermal circuit has already commenced.

Furthermore, Zheleznogorsk, a city in the Kursk Region, recently faced a missile danger, prompting the local authorities to issue a public warning. Governor Starovoit reported an attack on the village of Tetkino by Ukrainian forces, resulting in damages to 11 private houses and a power transmission line.

In a separate incident, two Ukrainian drones were shot down over the neighboring Belgorod Region, further escalating tensions in the area.

These events highlight the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with Ukrainian forces allegedly conducting attacks and Russian territories experiencing the consequences. It is crucial for residents in these regions to remain vigilant and follow the instructions provided by local authorities to ensure their safety. The situation remains tense, and it is imperative for all parties involved to seek a peaceful resolution to prevent further harm and damage.

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