Elder Abuse and Fraud: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Shocking Murder of 96-Year-Old Woman in California

In a shocking and heartbreaking case, four suspects have been identified in the 2022 murder of a 96-year-old woman in Santa Barbara County, California. The suspects, Pauline Macareno, Harry Basmadjian, Ricardo MartinDelCampo, and Henry Rostomyan, are accused of committing heinous crimes against an innocent and vulnerable elderly woman.

According to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, Macareno has been charged with elder abuse, fraud, and manipulation of legal documents. It is alleged that she orchestrated a series of deceptive transactions, including forging documents and establishing fraudulent entities, in order to gain control over the victim’s assets unlawfully. This despicable act of greed and manipulation is truly disturbing.

Authorities believe that Macareno targeted the victim, Violet Alberts, because of her wealth and advanced age. In the eyes of Macareno, Alberts was living too long, and she saw an opportunity to obtain her home through fraudulent means. This callous disregard for human life is truly appalling.

Alberts was found dead in her bed by her caretaker on May 24, 2022. Her death was ruled a homicide, with the cause of death being asphyxiation. The discovery of ingredients for cookies on her kitchen table, meant for her upcoming birthday, adds another layer of heartbreak to this tragic story. It is a reminder of the vibrant and active life that Alberts lived, despite her age and challenges with memory and cognition.

The investigation into this case has been extensive, with the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office dedicating over 10,000 hours to unraveling the complex web surrounding Alberts’ murder. The mugshots of all the suspects, except for Basmadjian, have been released. Unfortunately, Basmadjian suffered a life-threatening medical emergency that has left him incapacitated.

During a press conference, Sheriff Bill Brown fondly remembered Alberts as a cherished figure in the Montecito community. Despite her age, she remained active and engaged, known for her warm demeanor and social nature. Her love for her home and simple pleasures, like the pond filled with cherished koi fish, reflected her appreciation for life.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating this case, and anyone with information is encouraged to come forward. It is crucial that justice is served for Violet Alberts and that those responsible for her tragic murder are held accountable.

This devastating incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting our elderly citizens and ensuring that they are not exploited or harmed. It is a reminder of the evil that exists in the world and the need for strong laws and enforcement to prevent such tragedies from occurring.

As we mourn the loss of Violet Alberts, we must also reflect on the broader issues at play. The exploitation of vulnerable individuals, whether it be through elder abuse or fraudulent schemes, is a serious problem that demands attention and action. It is our responsibility as a society to protect the most vulnerable among us and to hold those who prey on them accountable.

This case should serve as a wake-up call for our society to prioritize the well-being and safety of our elderly population. It is a reminder that we must remain vigilant and proactive in combating crimes against the elderly, and that includes ensuring that our laws and law enforcement agencies have the resources they need to effectively address these issues.

The tragic murder of Violet Alberts should not be forgotten. We must honor her memory by working towards a society that values and protects its elderly citizens, and by holding those who commit such heinous acts accountable. Only then can we truly begin to heal and prevent such senseless tragedies from happening again.

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