Expelled Rep. George Santos Returns to Congress, Media Attention Increased His Ego, Former Spokeswoman Says

Expelled former Rep. George Santos made a surprising return to Congress as he attended President Biden’s State of the Union address. Santos, who was expelled from Congress after misusing campaign funds and being indicted on multiple charges, announced his intention to challenge Rep. Nick LaLota in New York’s First Congressional District.

Naysa Woomer, Santos’ former communications director, expressed her criticism of his comeback campaign. She stated that Santos allowed the media attention and celebrity status he gained while in office to inflate his ego. Woomer questioned the need for Santos to return to Congress, calling his campaign a joke and expressing concerns about his character.

Santos, however, remains undeterred and believes that New York needs a true conservative representative. He accused LaLota of being a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only) who prioritizes his own political gain over the future of the country. Santos vowed to shake things up and bring a conservative voice back to New York.

Despite the ethical issues surrounding Santos, including the misuse of campaign funds and his indictment on various charges, he has not been convicted of a crime and maintains his innocence. LaLota welcomed the opportunity to defeat Santos in a primary, emphasizing the importance of holding accountable someone who he believes stole an election.

In response to Santos’ attendance at the State of the Union Address, Rep. Ritchie Torres announced his intention to introduce legislation to revoke the floor privileges of expelled House members. The proposed rule, called the “Getting Expelled Officially Revokes Guaranteed Entry” rule (GEORGE rule), aims to prevent former members who have been expelled from retaining their privileges, including access to the House floor.

Woomer expressed her support for Torres’ proposal, highlighting that Santos is only the sixth member of Congress to have been expelled. She believes that such a rule is necessary to maintain the integrity of Congress and prevent individuals with questionable conduct from retaining their privileges.

In conclusion, Santos’ surprise return to Congress has sparked criticism and controversy. While some question his character and motives, Santos remains determined to challenge LaLota and bring conservative representation back to New York. The proposed rule to revoke expelled members’ privileges is gaining support as a means to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

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