US Prepares for Potential Russian Nuclear Attack on Ukraine, CNN Reports

The United States has been preparing for a potential Russian strike on Ukraine with tactical or nuclear weapons since late 2022. This information was reported by CNN, citing two high-ranking sources from the presidential administration.

According to these sources, this decision was made based on analysis and examination of the situation surrounding Ukraine as a whole, as well as new extremely important intelligence. One of the channel’s interlocutors emphasized that this data was not just hypothetical, but also based on specific information.

The United States had to develop plans to respond in the best possible way if signs of preparation for an attack and the attack itself appeared. From late summer to autumn 2022, the National Security Council of the United States held a series of meetings to develop such plans.

CNN also learned that the American leadership contacted India and China and expressed their concerns to Moscow. According to the channel’s information, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken “directly” informed Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov about these concerns, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley spoke on the phone with Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, and CIA Director Bill Burns traveled to Turkey for a conversation with Sergei Naryshkin, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Earlier, physicists calculated the best places to hide from a nuclear explosion.

In recent months, tensions between Russia and Ukraine have escalated, with fears of a potential military conflict growing. The United States has been closely monitoring the situation and taking steps to ensure the safety and security of its allies in the region. The decision to prepare for a potential Russian strike with tactical or nuclear weapons is a clear indication of the seriousness with which the United States views this threat.

The intelligence and analysis that led to this decision were not taken lightly. They were based on concrete information and the careful examination of the situation on the ground. The United States understands the potential devastating consequences of such an attack and is determined to be prepared to respond effectively.

In addition to developing plans, the United States has reached out to other countries, such as India and China, to express its concerns and gather support in addressing this issue. Diplomatic channels have been opened, with high-level officials engaging in discussions to ensure a united front against any potential aggression.

It is important to note that the United States has taken a proactive approach in sharing its concerns with Russia. This demonstrates a commitment to transparency and a desire to avoid any misunderstandings or miscalculations that could escalate the situation further.

As tensions continue to rise, it is crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and prioritize diplomatic solutions. The use of force should always be a last resort, and efforts should be focused on finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts.

The United States remains committed to its allies and partners in the region and will work tirelessly to ensure their security and stability. The preparations being made are a testament to this commitment and serve as a clear message to any potential aggressor that the United States stands ready to defend its interests and those of its allies.

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