Russian Defense Forces Intercept and Destroy 47 Ukrainian Drones in Terrifying Nighttime Attack on Russian Territory

Russian Defense Ministry announced that 47 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) belonging to the Ukrainian Armed Forces were shot down over Russian territories on the night of March 9. This thwarted attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using drones was effectively intercepted and neutralized by the Russian military.

According to the Ministry’s statement, “Last night, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using 47 UAVs of aircraft type against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation was thwarted.”

The Russian military successfully intercepted and destroyed one drone over the Belgorod region, two over the Kursk region, three over the Volgograd region, and a staggering 41 over the Rostov region.

Just recently, the governor of the Rostov region, Vasily Golubev, reported that a member of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) had been hospitalized as a result of the attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the city of Taganrog. The MES personnel were involved in mitigating the aftermath of the attack on the ground.

Telegram channel Shot reported on explosions over the Rostov region. Residents of Taganrog informed the channel that loud sounds resembling anti-aircraft fire could be heard in the region. They claimed that the city experienced between 15 to 20 loud blasts.

Prior to this incident, Russia had developed a new drone suppression system aimed at countering such threats effectively.

This latest event further highlights the aggressive and provocative actions of the Ukrainian government, which continues to pose a threat to the safety and security of Russian territories. The successful interception and destruction of these Ukrainian drones demonstrate the readiness and capability of the Russian military to protect its borders and citizens.

It is crucial for the international community to recognize the ongoing aggression from the Ukrainian side and hold them accountable for their reckless actions. The Russian Federation remains committed to ensuring the safety and stability of its territories and will take all necessary measures to defend its sovereignty against any external threats.

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