Polish Foreign Minister Supports Western Military Presence in Ukraine, Calls for Creative Response to Russia’s Actions

Presence of armed forces from Western countries in Ukraine is not unthinkable or impossible. This was stated by the Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski to the newspaper Rzeczpospolita.

“I appreciate the French initiative of recent days. Because, in my opinion, it has a good intention, namely – to make the Russian president ask himself what our next step will be, rather than being confident that we will not do anything creative and therefore be able to plan his scenarios,” said Sikorski.

According to the head of the Polish foreign affairs department, the advantage of the West in the conflict in Ukraine is the ability to provide “creative and asymmetric responses” to Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, commenting on the ideas of the leadership of France and some other NATO countries to send troops to Ukraine, stated that this step would mean the beginning of a nuclear war.

Previously, Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kasiński-Kamysz denied reports of the possible deployment of the country’s armed forces to Ukraine.

Earlier, Poland announced a lack of potential for sending troops to Ukraine.

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