Republican Congressman Introduces ‘Laken Riley Act’ to Combat Illegal Alien Crime Wave Amidst Biden’s Failed Border Policies

The House of Representatives has passed the Laken Riley Act, a bill that calls for ICE to detain illegal immigrants charged with local theft or burglary. This comes after a tragic incident where an American college student, Laken Riley, was murdered by an illegal immigrant. The bill, named after Riley, received a 251-170 vote and will now move to the Senate for further consideration.

The murder of Laken Riley by Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, has sparked concerns about Joe Biden’s open border and local sanctuary city policies. Congressman Mike Collins, who introduced the bill, stated that this incident serves as a wake-up call for Americans who are experiencing an increase in illegal alien crime. He urges the Senate to take up the bill immediately.

Jose Ibarra had a previous arrest in New York for endangering a child, but was not detained by ICE. He was also cited for misdemeanor shoplifting in Georgia prior to the murder. The Laken Riley Act aims to address the ongoing border crisis and combat the illegal crime wave attributed to it.

The bill would require ICE to issue a detainer for illegal aliens charged or cited with local theft or burglary. It also grants individual states the ability to take legal action against the federal government if an immigration-related action harms the state or its citizens. This would provide states with a legal resource to address failures related to border security.

During the debate on the bill, Congressman Jerry Nadler criticized Republicans for exploiting Riley’s death for partisan political gain. He accused them of using unrelated bills that target and scapegoat immigrants instead of addressing the situation at the border. However, Republican Congressman Marc Molinaro argued that Riley’s tragic death was a result of policies embraced by the Biden administration and governors like Kathy Hochul in New York, which have made communities less safe.

The passage of the Laken Riley Act in the House is seen as a step towards addressing the concerns surrounding illegal immigration and its impact on public safety. As the bill moves to the Senate, its fate remains uncertain. Critics argue that it is a political stunt, while supporters believe it is necessary to protect American citizens and hold the federal government accountable for border security failures.

Overall, the Laken Riley Act highlights the ongoing debate and division surrounding immigration policies in the United States. It serves as a reminder of the complex challenges faced by the Biden administration and the need for comprehensive solutions that prioritize national security and public safety.

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