President Biden’s Failed Immigration Policies: A Record-Breaking 7.3 Million Crossings at the Border

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, has criticized President Biden’s handling of the migrant crisis, urging him to address the issue head-on. McCaul specifically questioned Biden’s recent visit to Brownsville, stating that it is not a significant hotspot for illegal immigration. This criticism comes amidst a larger debate on immigration and border security, with Democrats and Republicans holding contrasting views on the matter.

Former President Bill Clinton’s State of the Union address in 1995 sheds light on the stark differences between the Democratic stance on immigration then and now. Clinton recognized the concerns of Americans regarding the large numbers of illegal aliens entering the country and acknowledged the strain they put on jobs and public services. He emphasized the need to secure the borders, increase the number of border guards, deport criminal aliens, crack down on illegal hiring, and deny welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.

Fast forward to the present day, and President Biden is expected to address immigration during his State of the Union address. His presidency has witnessed a historic surge in crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border, with nearly 7.3 million crossings recorded under his administration, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. This figure is larger than the population of 36 U.S. states and does not include an estimated 1.8 million known “gotaways” who evaded law enforcement.

Biden has defended his administration’s handling of the border crisis, arguing that the high levels of crossings reflect a seasonal surge and that the border is secure. However, critics argue that his approach is not effectively addressing the issue at hand.

In 1995, Clinton pledged to crack down on illegal crossings and increase deportations of migrants who commit crimes. He emphasized the importance of enforcing immigration laws and described the abuse of these laws as wrong and self-defeating for a nation of immigrants.

Immigration and border security have become major concerns among voters leading up to the general election in November. The contrasting approaches to this issue by the leading presidential candidates, Biden and former President Trump, highlight the deep divide between Democrats and Republicans on the matter.

The recent murder of University of Georgia student Laken Riley has further intensified the debate on immigration and border security. As voters gear up for the upcoming election, they will undoubtedly be paying close attention to Biden’s words during his State of the Union address, particularly regarding the border crisis, Riley’s case, and his stance on Trump.

The issue of immigration and border security continues to dominate headlines and shape political discourse as the nation grapples with finding a comprehensive and effective solution.

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