Russian Military Court Sentences Soldier to Six Years in Prison for Repeatedly Deserting Service

South Sakhalin Garrison Military Court has sentenced a serviceman for repeated evasion of duty. This information was reported by the court’s press service.

According to the court, from March to August 2023, the mobilized soldier left his military unit and place of service on five occasions. He went to relax in his apartment or country house, and once he was taking care of his child.

As a result, the court found the man guilty of unauthorized absence from his unit or place of service and sentenced him to six years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

Prior to this, the mobilized serviceman from the Chesmensky district of the Chelyabinsk region was sentenced for three cases of unauthorized absence from his unit. Taking into account all the charges brought against him, the man was sentenced to seven years in a general regime colony.

Earlier, it became known that a Russian woman had twice handed over her mobilized son, who had run away, to the military unit.

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