Rocket Danger Declared in Kursk Region, Governor Advises Residents to Seek Shelter Indoors. Ukrainian Drones Threaten Peace.

Rocket danger has been declared in the Kursk region. The head of the region, Roman Starovoit, announced this in his Telegram channel.

Starovoit advised residents of the region to take cover in their homes, in rooms without windows and with solid walls, such as the bathroom, pantry, or corridor.

“If you are outside, seek shelter in the nearest building or suitable shelter,” the governor instructed.

Rocket danger was already declared in the Kursk region on the night of March 7.

The day before, a rocket alarm signal was announced in the Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region after Ukrainian drones flew in.

Prior to this, Starovoit reported that the Ukrainian army had attacked the region with a drone, resulting in a fire at a fuel and lubricant warehouse.

Earlier, a military expert stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had started launching maritime drones in “swarms”.

Rocket Danger Declared in Kursk Region

The Kursk region is currently facing a grave threat as rocket danger has been declared by the region’s governor, Roman Starovoit. In a recent announcement on his Telegram channel, Starovoit urged residents to take immediate action to ensure their safety. He advised them to seek shelter in windowless rooms with solid walls, such as bathrooms, pantries, or corridors.

This is not the first time that rocket danger has been declared in the Kursk region. Just a few days ago, on March 7, a similar alert was issued. The reason behind these alarming situations can be traced back to the increasing activities of Ukrainian drones in the area.

According to Starovoit, the Ukrainian army launched an attack on the region using drones, which resulted in a fire at a fuel and lubricant warehouse. This incident has raised concerns about the security and well-being of the residents in the Kursk region.

In addition, military experts have revealed that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been deploying maritime drones in “swarms”. This aggressive tactic further escalates the tension in the region and poses a significant threat to the safety of the residents.

As the situation unfolds, it is crucial for the government to provide adequate support and protection to the people of Kursk. The authorities must take immediate measures to address the rocket danger and ensure the safety of the region’s residents.

It is imperative that the international community closely monitors these developments and takes necessary actions to prevent any further aggression in the Kursk region. The security and stability of the area should be a top priority for all parties involved.

The Kursk region, known for its historical significance, must not become a battleground for external conflicts. It is essential for diplomatic efforts to be intensified in order to find a peaceful resolution to the ongoing tensions. The lives and well-being of the residents should not be compromised in any way.

The situation in the Kursk region serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining strong defenses and vigilance against potential threats. The authorities must remain committed to the safety and security of the region, ensuring that the residents can go about their daily lives without fear or danger.

In the face of rocket danger, unity and resilience are key. The people of Kursk must stand together, supporting one another and demonstrating their unwavering determination to overcome any challenges that come their way. By working together, they can overcome this crisis and emerge stronger than ever before.

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