Democratic Governor Sends in National Guard for Bag Checks as Crime Surges in NYC Subways

In a questionable move by the Democratic governor of New York, Kathy Hochul has called in the National Guard to assist the NYPD with bag checks in the city’s subways. This decision comes as part of a five-point plan to address the rising crime rates in the subway system. While Hochul claims that this move will create a deterrent effect for potential criminals, it raises concerns about the infringement on personal liberties and the effectiveness of such measures.

By deploying 750 members of the National Guard to conduct bag searches, the governor is essentially militarizing the subway system. This sends a troubling message to law-abiding citizens who rely on public transportation for their daily commutes. Instead of addressing the root causes of crime and implementing effective strategies to ensure public safety, the governor has resorted to a heavy-handed approach that may do more harm than good.

Furthermore, Hochul’s plan includes a proposal to ban individuals convicted of assaulting a subway passenger from riding trains for three years. While it is important to hold criminals accountable for their actions, this proposal raises questions about due process and the potential for abuse. It is essential to remember that individuals are innocent until proven guilty, and any measures taken should adhere to the principles of justice.

Additionally, the governor’s plan includes the installation of cameras in conductor cabins to protect transit workers. While the safety of transit workers is crucial, it is concerning that the focus seems to be on surveillance rather than addressing the underlying issues contributing to crime in the subways. Simply increasing surveillance does not address the root causes of crime and may only serve to further erode privacy rights.

It is worth noting that the city’s mayor, Eric Adams, has also announced plans to increase police presence in the subways. While this may provide a temporary solution, it does not address the systemic issues that contribute to crime in the first place. A more comprehensive approach is needed, one that focuses on addressing poverty, improving education, and providing opportunities for at-risk individuals.

In conclusion, Governor Kathy Hochul’s decision to deploy the National Guard for bag checks in New York City subways raises concerns about personal liberties and the effectiveness of such measures. Rather than resorting to heavy-handed tactics, it is crucial for the government to address the root causes of crime and implement comprehensive strategies that prioritize the safety and well-being of all citizens. Only through thoughtful and evidence-based approaches can we hope to create lasting change and ensure the security of our communities.

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