Joe Biden’s Corrupt Pay-to-Play Scheme Exposed: Hunter Biden’s Testimony Contradicts Other Witnesses, Demands Public Hearing

Details of Hunter Biden’s closed-door deposition have been made public, revealing new information about his business dealings and his father’s alleged involvement. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has invited Hunter Biden and his business associates to testify at a public hearing later this month as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Biden. Comer stated that the hearing will aim to uncover inconsistencies among the witnesses’ testimonies in order to reveal the truth for the American people.

Comer claims that evidence obtained during the impeachment inquiry shows that President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s business ventures. Multiple witnesses have testified that Joe Biden allowed his family to use his name and influence to enrich themselves. According to Comer, Joe Biden met with his son’s foreign business associates, attended dinners with foreign oligarchs who funneled millions of dollars to his son, and even had coffee with his son’s Chinese business associate.

Comer argues that the Bidens’ “pay-to-play scheme is corrupt” and that the American people deserve accountability. He points out that Hunter Biden’s testimony conflicts with other witnesses’ testimonies, making it essential to hold a public hearing to clarify the inconsistencies. Comer expects Hunter Biden and his associates to appear before the Oversight Committee on March 20 to provide further information.

During his deposition, Hunter Biden maintained that his father was never involved in or benefited from his businesses. James Biden, the president’s younger brother, provided the same testimony. However, Hunter Biden did admit to putting his father on speakerphone with his business associates and inviting him to his business lunches. Another business associate, Devon Archer, testified last year that Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone with business associates at least 20 times.

Additionally, Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, testified that Joe Biden “enabled” his son to sell access to dangerous adversaries, including the Chinese Communist Party and Russia. Jason Galanis, who is currently serving a prison sentence, claimed that Joe Biden was considering joining a board of a joint venture involving Hunter Biden and his business associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

These revelations raise serious concerns about the potential corruption within the Biden family and the misuse of political influence. The Oversight Committee aims to hold the Bidens accountable and seek legislative solutions to prevent such abuse of power. As more information comes to light, it is crucial for the American people to stay informed about these developments.

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