Russian Defense Minister Visits Missile Production Plant, Boosting Arsenal Capabilities

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited the production of modern anti-aircraft missiles at the Avangard engineering plant in Moscow. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to the defense department, Shoigu was briefed on the expansion of the plant’s capabilities: in 2023, a branch of the enterprise was opened in the Moscow region, and four new workshops have been under construction. Thanks to this, Avangard was able to double its production volume. It is expected that after modernization, this indicator will double again.

On February 28, Shoigu announced the need to adjust the schedule for the delivery of all weapons to the Russian Armed Forces, shifting the deadlines for the transfer of equipment to the second and third quarters, as well as adhering to even deliveries throughout the year.

He reminded about the decision of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, to prepare a list of instructions and a schedule for the delivery of weapons. The minister noted that such instructions have been prepared. They concern the allocation of funds, the determination and approval of schedules for the delivery of missiles for reactive volley fire systems (MLRS), ammunition, the machines themselves, as well as transport-loading and launching installations.

Earlier, Deputy Head of the Security Council Medvedev called for the provision of anti-aircraft missiles to the Russian Armed Forces.

Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, visited the Avangard engineering plant in Moscow to inspect the production of modern anti-aircraft missiles. The Ministry of Defense reported on the expansion of the plant’s capabilities, including the opening of a new branch in the Moscow region and the construction of four additional workshops. Thanks to these developments, Avangard has been able to double its production volume, with expectations of further growth after modernization.

During the visit, Shoigu emphasized the need to adjust the schedule for the delivery of all weapons to the Russian Armed Forces, with plans to shift the deadlines to the second and third quarters. He also highlighted the importance of maintaining consistent deliveries throughout the year. These adjustments align with President Vladimir Putin’s decision to prepare a list of instructions and a delivery schedule for weapons.

The instructions cover various aspects, including the allocation of funds, the determination and approval of delivery schedules for missiles used in reactive volley fire systems, ammunition, the manufacturing of the machines themselves, as well as the transport-loading and launching installations.

This visit comes after Deputy Head of the Security Council, Medvedev, called for the provision of anti-aircraft missiles to the Russian Armed Forces. The expansion of Avangard’s production capabilities and the adjustment of delivery schedules demonstrate Russia’s commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities.

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