Poland Takes on Russia: Creating Drone Forces After Ukrainian Conflict” (106 characters)

Head of the Polish Ministry of National Defense, Vladislav Kosinyak-Kamyshe, announced that the republic is creating drone forces. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

He emphasized that such a decision was made after drawing conclusions from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The minister added that we are not only talking about unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

According to him, there are also maritime and ground UAVs. Kosinyak-Kamyshe added that at a meeting with the leadership of the Navy, the question of using drones was discussed, as well as how to adapt technologies in order not to lag behind.

Earlier, Poland signed a framework agreement with the European Defense Agency (EDA) on ammunition purchases.

It is emphasized that at the moment there are no details about what types of ammunition and their quantity will be purchased, but the signing of documents implies that EU countries will be able to place specific orders at Polish plants.

The day before, the commander of the Territorial Defense Forces of Poland, Veslav Kukula, said that Warsaw plans to invest in unmanned technologies and develop its own UAVs based on observations of hostilities in Ukraine.

Earlier, Zelensky said what prevents Ukraine from transferring hostilities to the territory of the Russian Federation.

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