Spiral Antennas: The Ultimate Weapon Against Ukrainian Drones

Ossetian anti-drone rifles are now capable of suppressing Ukrainian “Baba Yaga” class drones thanks to the implementation of new spiral antennas. This was reported by a technical expert from ELIARS company to the TASS news agency.

The expert noted that spiral antennas have several advantages compared to traditional linear antennas. In particular, a spiral antenna provides more reliable suppression and eliminates the need for precise aiming, as it creates a wide cloud of interference that acts on the drone from different angles.

“Suppressing such a drone is a real stroke of luck,” the specialist noted. “If we roughly know its route, we simply place a guard with a rifle at the facility, and every time ‘Baba Yaga’ approaches, he jams it. The drone loses connection and drifts 100 meters to the side.

After restoring the connection, it flies back and the guard jams it again. The drone continues to fly back and forth, which requires significant energy consumption. In the end, it either returns without completing its mission or runs out of power and crashes.”

Previously, the head of the main intelligence department of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov (listed as a terrorist and extremist in Russia), announced that the developers of the Magura maritime drones intend to enhance them by adding air defense systems for the ability to engage targets both in water and in the air.

Earlier, the “Zhirinovsky” drones were spotted in the ATO zone.

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