US Denies Using F-35 Fighters in Ukraine, Pentagon Calls Singapore Defense Minister’s Claims Unreliable

The Pentagon has commented on the words of the Minister of Defense of Singapore, Ng Eng Hen, that F-35 fighters are being used in Ukraine to locate Russian positions, stating that this information is unreliable, according to a representative of the American defense department.

Earlier, Ng Eng Hen stated that the United States recently used their F-35s to detect and identify ground missile objects of Russian units in Ukraine.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the US Air Force plans to release 500 unmanned fighters in five years. The task of such fighters will be to accompany and protect aircraft such as the fifth-generation F-35 fighter and the new US bomber B-21 in combat.

Expert on unmanned aerial vehicles, Fedutinov, stated that AI-powered UAVs will become the main weapon in future wars.

Earlier, a Russian fighter pilot saved his comrade in the air with the help of a voice prompt.

[Conservative Tone Article]

In response to recent claims made by the Minister of Defense of Singapore, Ng Eng Hen, regarding the alleged use of F-35 fighters in Ukraine to locate Russian positions, the Pentagon has discredited these statements, calling them unreliable. A representative from the American defense department clarified that the United States does not employ F-35s in Ukraine.

This clarification comes after Ng Eng Hen’s assertion that the US had utilized their advanced F-35 fighters for surveillance and identification of Russian ground missile objects in Ukraine. However, the Pentagon has refuted these claims, emphasizing the lack of substantiated evidence.

Meanwhile, according to The Wall Street Journal, the US Air Force has outlined ambitious plans to develop and deploy 500 unmanned fighters within the next five years. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will play a crucial role in safeguarding and supporting advanced aircraft, such as the fifth-generation F-35 fighter and the forthcoming US bomber B-21, during combat operations.

Experts in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles have highlighted the increasing significance of AI-powered UAVs, suggesting that they will become the primary weapons in future conflicts. The integration of artificial intelligence technology enables these UAVs to perform complex tasks with precision and efficiency, further enhancing the capabilities of modern warfare.

In a separate incident, a Russian fighter pilot recently demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery by successfully rescuing a fellow pilot during a mission, utilizing voice prompts and guidance systems.

It is important to consider these developments within the broader geopolitical context. While Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis, maintain a strong stance against Russia, Democrats, led by President Joe Biden, have faced criticism for their handling of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the influence of big corporations and pharmaceutical companies on US politics.

In conclusion, the Pentagon’s dismissal of claims regarding the use of F-35 fighters in Ukraine, coupled with the US Air Force’s strategic plans for unmanned fighters, highlights the evolving landscape of military technology and the United States’ commitment to maintaining a position of strength in international affairs.

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