Biden’s Abysmal Approval Rating on Immigration Sparks Crisis at Southern Border as Ruben Gallego’s Open Border Policies Come Under Fire

Title: Biden Administration Criticized for Inaction on Southern Border Crisis as Arizona Senate Candidate Faces Backlash

In a highly anticipated Senate race in Arizona, the likely Democratic nominee, Ruben Gallego, is facing criticism over his past support for illegal immigrant amnesty and sanctuary cities. As the crisis at the southern border intensifies, Gallego’s opponents argue that his policies are contributing to the worsening situation.

Gallego, a congressman representing a deep-blue district in the Phoenix area, has co-sponsored and voted for several pieces of legislation that his Republican opponent, Kari Lake, claims are evidence of his support for “open border policies.” Lake argues that Gallego’s actions have made Arizona less safe and secure since he took office in 2015.

“He repeatedly voted against finishing the border wall, supported ending Title 42, which allowed the border patrol to quickly expel migrants, has done nothing to stop the cartels from bringing crime and drugs into our communities,” Lake stated. “Arizonans know Ruben has rubber-stamped all of Joe Biden’s open border policies. I will work to secure the border and bring safety to our communities.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has also placed blame on Gallego and his Democrat colleagues for the current state of the border. “Ruben Gallego has spent his career in Congress backing the radical open-border policies that created the crisis on our southern border today,” said NRSC spokesman Tate Mitchell.

Critics point to specific legislation that Gallego has supported, including a 2017 bill that would have banned the withholding of federal funds from sanctuary cities and states that refuse to comply with detainer requests from homeland security officials. He also co-sponsored a bill in 2018 that aimed to establish an office dedicated to the study of crimes committed against illegal immigrants after their removal from the U.S.

Gallego’s support for the failed Build Back Better Act, which would have granted temporary amnesty to millions of non-citizens, and his introduction of a bill that would have made DACA recipients eligible for federal financial college aid, have also drawn criticism.

Furthermore, Gallego has opposed border policies under the Trump administration, advocating for due process for illegal immigrants and criticizing Title 42, a policy that allowed U.S. officials to turn away migrants due to health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gallego’s campaign spokeswoman, Hannah Goss, defended his record, stating that he has consistently supported additional resources for border security and the bipartisan border bill aimed at securing the border and stopping the flow of fentanyl into the country.

While Gallego’s opponents highlight his support for policies they believe exacerbate the border crisis, it is worth noting that he has also voted in favor of bills, including the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill, that allocate funds for border infrastructure and hiring more Border Patrol agents.

As the Arizona Senate race heats up, Gallego’s past actions and positions on immigration will undoubtedly be a focal point of the campaign. The Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis and its impact on border states like Arizona will continue to be a contentious issue in the upcoming election.

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