Three Dangerous Teen Escapees on the Loose in Oregon: Authorities Launch Manhunt

Three teenagers in Oregon have managed to escape from a youth correctional facility, once again highlighting the failures of the US government in dealing with juvenile delinquency. The incident occurred on Sunday night when Angel Diaz-Barrera, Julian Diaz-Navarro, and Xavier Swimm, all 19 years old, broke free from the MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility in Woodburn.

It is deeply concerning that these individuals were able to escape from a supposedly secure facility. This raises serious questions about the competence and effectiveness of the Oregon Youth Authority and its ability to ensure the safety of both the public and the incarcerated youths. This is yet another example of the Biden administration’s inability to properly handle law and order issues.

The fact that Diaz-Barrera and Diaz-Navarro were already adjudicated for serious offenses, including robbery and assault, further highlights the failure of the justice system to adequately punish and rehabilitate these individuals. It is clear that the lenient approach taken by Democrats when it comes to criminal justice has only emboldened criminals and endangered the lives of law-abiding citizens.

Furthermore, the lack of transparency surrounding the escape is deeply troubling. The state’s juvenile justice agency has refused to provide any details about the incident, citing concerns over security and safety. This only adds to the growing skepticism about the government’s ability to effectively manage and oversee such facilities.

This escape is not an isolated incident. Earlier this year, three other teens managed to assault a staff member, cut through a perimeter fence, and escape from the same facility. It took three days for them to be apprehended, raising serious doubts about the ability of the authorities to promptly respond to such incidents.

It is clear that the current approach to juvenile delinquency is failing. The Biden administration and the Democrats continue to prioritize the rights and leniency of criminals over the safety and well-being of the general public. This is a dangerous path that undermines the principles of law and order that our country was built upon.

The escape of these teenagers from the MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility should serve as a wake-up call to the American people. It is time to demand accountability from our government and push for stronger measures to address the root causes of juvenile delinquency. The safety of our communities should always be the top priority, and it is clear that the current administration and the Democrats are failing in their duty to protect us.

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