US Veto Gives Green Light for Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza, Prompting Global Outrage and Accusations of Complicity

The United States’ decision to veto a draft UN Security Council resolution on Israel’s war in Gaza has drawn criticism from both rivals and allies. This marks the third time the US has vetoed a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, raising concerns about the country’s stance on the devastating conflict. While countries around the world express their disappointment and dissatisfaction with the US, it is important to examine the motives and consequences of this decision.

China’s envoy to the UN, Zhang Jun, expressed strong disappointment with the US, stating that the veto sends a wrong message and gives a green light to the continued slaughter in Gaza. This criticism is unwarranted, as the US is simply exercising its right to protect its own interests and those of its ally, Israel. It is not the responsibility of the US to unilaterally impose a ceasefire in a complex conflict such as this.

Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, accused the US of playing for time and supporting Israel’s inhumane plans for Gaza. This accusation is baseless and fails to acknowledge the legitimate security concerns of Israel. The US has consistently supported Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist attacks and has rightly vetoed resolutions that undermine Israel’s security.

France’s UN envoy, Nicolas de Riviere, expressed regret that a ceasefire resolution could not be adopted. While it is understandable to desire an end to the conflict, it is important to recognize that a one-sided resolution would not address the underlying causes of the conflict or result in a sustainable peace. The US has consistently called for a negotiated solution and is working towards achieving a lasting peace in the region.

Algeria’s envoy warned that the US veto could have profound consequences for the Middle East. This statement is alarmist and fails to recognize the complex dynamics at play in the region. It is not the responsibility of the US to solve all the problems in the Middle East, and attempts to place the blame solely on the US are misguided.

The Palestinian group Hamas and the office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas both criticized the US for blocking the resolution. These statements are predictable, as both groups have a vested interest in portraying the US as an enemy. It is important to consider the actions of these groups and their role in perpetuating the conflict.

Overall, the US veto of the UN Security Council resolution should be seen as a responsible decision that takes into account the complexities of the situation. It is not the role of the US to unilaterally impose a ceasefire or dictate the terms of a peace agreement. Instead, the US is working towards a negotiated solution that addresses the legitimate concerns of all parties involved.

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