Man Killed by Pet Gila Monster: Shocking Video Reveals Fatal Attack on Venomous Reptile Collector

In a tragic incident that highlights the dangers of keeping venomous reptiles as pets, a 34-year-old man in Colorado lost his life after being bitten by his own Gila monster. Christopher Ward, who had a hobby of collecting venomous reptiles, was found on the ground by his girlfriend, Madeline Sutton, who immediately called 911 for help.

The incident occurred on the night of February 12 when Ward’s pet lizard, named Winston, escaped its cage and latched onto his hand. Sutton, who was in another room at the time, rushed to the scene upon hearing Ward’s distressing cries. She discovered him violently vomiting and struggling to breathe.

Emergency services arrived promptly but Ward was already in critical condition. He was rushed to the hospital, where he fought for his life for four days before succumbing to the effects of the venomous bite. The tragic outcome serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with keeping such dangerous creatures as pets.

Following the incident, Lakewood Animal Control officers, in collaboration with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, removed the remaining Gila monsters from Ward’s home. Additionally, they discovered and removed 26 species of spiders, as well as a pet tarantula spider that Ward also owned.

It is important to note that owning Gila monsters is illegal in Lakewood, Colorado. These reptiles, known for their venomous bite, are not suitable for domestication. While the San Diego Wildlife Zoo Alliance states that Gila monster bites rarely cause death in humans, their venom can still inflict significant pain and harm.

The organization explains that Gila monsters possess venom glands in their lower jaw, which allows the venom to flow into their prey when they bite. Their bite is forceful and can maintain a tight grip for several seconds, potentially allowing the venom to penetrate deeper into the wound. Although painful, Gila monster bites rarely prove fatal to humans.

This unfortunate incident serves as a cautionary tale against the ownership of dangerous reptiles as pets. Proper regulations and restrictions should be in place to prevent such tragedies from occurring. It is essential for individuals to prioritize their safety and the well-being of those around them by refraining from keeping venomous creatures in residential environments.

While this incident is undoubtedly tragic, it also serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that can arise from irresponsible pet ownership. It is crucial for individuals to educate themselves about the risks associated with certain animals and ensure that they adhere to legal restrictions and guidelines.

As we mourn the loss of Christopher Ward, let us also reflect on the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need for stricter regulations to prevent similar incidents in the future. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his loved ones during this difficult time.

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