Biden’s Border Crisis: Over 7.3 Million Illegal Migrants Flood the U.S., Exceeding Population of 36 States

Illegal Border Crossings Reach Record High Under Biden Administration

In a troubling development, nearly 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border under President Biden’s watch, surpassing the population of 36 individual states, according to a recent analysis by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The number of border encounters reported by CBP for the current fiscal year, which runs from October through September, has already reached 961,537. If this pace continues, fiscal year 2024 is set to break last year’s record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters.

To put this into perspective, the total number of southwest land border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 is a staggering 7,298,486, surpassing the population of 36 U.S. states. This includes populous states such as California, Texas, and Florida. The magnitude of this crisis cannot be understated.

Critics of the Biden administration argue that this unprecedented surge in illegal immigration is not a coincidence but a result of deliberate policy choices. Eric Ruark, Director of Research for Numbers USA, a nonprofit advocating for immigration restrictions, stated, “This unprecedented surge in illegal immigration isn’t an accident. It is the result of deliberate policy choices by the Biden administration.” However, the Department of Homeland Security has yet to respond to these criticisms.

Republicans and anti-illegal immigration activists have long blamed Biden for the current overwhelming surge of migrants, citing his reversal of former President Donald Trump’s border policies. The Biden administration, on the other hand, denies responsibility for the crisis and attributes it to external factors such as violence and economic instability in South and Central America.

However, critics argue that the lenient policies of the Biden administration, such as catch-and-release, mass parole, and offering temporary work permits to asylum seekers, create a “pull” factor for migrants seeking job opportunities and government benefits. They believe that the administration’s refusal to enforce existing immigration laws and its failure to deport those who enter illegally further exacerbate the problem.

Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), highlighted the message sent to migrants over the past three years: if you come to the U.S. illegally and abuse the asylum system, you will be released into the country and allowed to remain here. He argued that the president does have the authority to enforce immigration laws but deliberately chooses not to.

In an attempt to address the border crisis, Biden has called on Congress to pass new laws. However, conservatives have rejected the proposed legislation, arguing that it would normalize record-high levels of illegal immigration. They maintain that Biden already has the authority to reinstate Trump’s policies and secure the border.

While the debate continues, House Republicans have even taken the extraordinary step of impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for allegedly refusing to enforce immigration laws. The Department of Homeland Security has dismissed these efforts as politically motivated and stressed that the Biden administration is enforcing the laws on the books.

The situation at the border is undeniably dire, with nearly 10 million migrants crossing into the U.S. illegally during the Biden administration. Critics argue that this record-breaking number could only be achieved by intentionally refusing to enforce the law. As the crisis persists, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address this significant challenge and regain control of the border.

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