Former Governor Nikki Haley Accused of Supporting Obama’s Refugee Resettlement Program: Explosive Revelations Surface

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley faced criticism from a fellow South Carolina lawmaker for her alleged support of “Obama’s refugee resettlement program” during her time as governor. State Rep. Stewart Jones, a Republican, accused Haley of backing the program and claimed that county council had to pass a resolution to stop her support. The clip of Jones making these allegations was shared by the MAGA War Room account on X and reposted by Team Trump. Digital reached out to both Jones and Haley’s campaign for comment, but has not received a response.

In 2015, when Haley was governor, she specifically requested the State Department not to resettle Syrian refugees in South Carolina. This decision came after a series of coordinated Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris, France, and Saint-Denis, which resulted in the deaths of 130 people. The Obama administration had planned to accept around 10,000 Syrian refugees over a 12-month period, but concerns were raised by South Carolina lawmakers regarding the vetting process for refugees from conflict zones.

Haley clarified that she still supported the resettlement of refugees from other parts of the world, such as the Congo, Burma, Ukraine, and Iraq, as they often flee religious persecution. However, she emphasized the potential threat to national security posed by admitting Syrian refugees due to the situation in Syria. Haley wrote a letter to then-Secretary of State John Kerry, requesting that no Syrian refugees be resettled in South Carolina.

Haley also mentioned that two interpreters who had worked with her husband in Afghanistan were brought to the United States through the resettlement program under the Obama administration. She emphasized that these individuals were in danger due to their political beliefs or religious affiliation, and it was important to provide them with safety.

Haley, who is currently competing against former President Trump in the South Carolina GOP primary, has faced criticism from some Republicans for her previous stance on refugee resettlement. However, she has also garnered support from others, including Trump himself. Despite serving as governor from 2011 to 2017, Haley has found herself in competition with Trump in the 2024 race. Trump appointed Haley as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during his administration.

Overall, Haley’s position on refugee resettlement, particularly regarding Syrian refugees, has become a point of contention between her and some fellow Republicans. The issue of refugee admission has been a topic of debate throughout the presidential election cycle, with concerns raised about potential security risks.

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