Greece Takes Command of EU Naval Mission in Red Sea, Raising Concerns of Government Overreach

Greece to Lead New EU Naval Mission in the Red Sea

In a recent development, Greece has been appointed the commander of a new naval mission in the Red Sea by the European Union (EU). This significant responsibility has been entrusted to Greece as part of the Aspides (or “Shields”) operation, which aims to protect European vessels in the Red Sea. The operational headquarters of this mission will be located on an Italian ship. It is reported that foreign ministers of EU member states will approve the launch of this one-year operation on February 19th, which will involve the deployment of four frigates.

According to sources, the EU ships will only respond to attacks from the sea and will not engage in any firing towards the mainland. It is important to note that while the EU mission will be conducted separately from the US-led Prosperity Guardian operation, there will be cooperation and data exchange between the two.

The decision to establish this mission comes in the wake of heightened tensions between the Palestinian movement Hamas and Israel. Yemen’s Houthi rebel movement, known as “Ansar Allah,” recently announced its intention to strike Israeli territories and prevent vessels associated with Israel from passing through the waters of the Red Sea and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait until the military operation in the Gaza sector is concluded.

Previously, the Houthis had declared their intention to attack commercial ships in the Red Sea every 12 hours.

It is worth noting that Greece’s appointment as the leader of this EU naval mission in the Red Sea highlights the country’s growing role and influence in regional security affairs. This responsibility underscores the trust placed in Greece by its European counterparts to safeguard vital shipping routes and ensure the safety of European vessels in the Red Sea. The mission’s objective of protecting European ships from potential threats is of utmost importance, as it guarantees the uninterrupted flow of trade and reinforces the stability of the region.

The launch of the Aspides operation will undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening of the EU’s maritime capabilities and demonstrate the bloc’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the Red Sea. The collaboration between Greece and other EU member states in this mission reflects the unity and solidarity within the union, as they work together towards a common goal.

It remains to be seen how the situation in the Red Sea will evolve, particularly with the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. However, with Greece at the helm of this important mission, Europe can be assured that its interests and the safety of its vessels will be effectively protected in this strategically significant region.

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