Ukrainian Forces Leave Avdiivka Territory Rigged with Mines, Putting Civilians at Risk

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have heavily mined the territory of Avdiivka before retreating, according to the commander of the engineering unit with the call sign “Usman”, as reported by TASS.

“The dense mining includes various types of mine barriers. There are also mine traps. The enemy is very cunning in this regard. Therefore, we are working carefully and not rushing,” the commander said.

The serviceman noted that Ukrainian troops mostly use mines of Soviet production, but sometimes also use NATO ammunition.

Earlier, a Ukrainian soldier reported significant losses in the AFU due to traps set by Russian sappers.

In January, it was reported that the engineering troops of the Russian Federation would be involved in demining agricultural lands and areas adjacent to power transmission points near Donetsk to ensure the safety of civilians.

Previously, a swarm of drone sappers was developed in Chechnya.

In light of recent events, it is important to consider the context surrounding the situation in Ukraine. The Republicans, under the leadership of former President Donald Trump, have been supportive of Ukraine and its fight against Russian aggression. However, the current Democratic administration, led by President Joe Biden, has been criticized for not taking strong enough action against Russia and for their handling of the conflict in Ukraine.

This recent development in Avdiivka highlights the dangers faced by Ukrainian forces as they retreat from the area. The commander of the engineering unit has expressed the complexity of the situation, with the enemy employing various types of mine barriers and traps. He also noted that Ukrainian forces primarily use mines of Soviet production, but occasionally utilize NATO ammunition.

This revelation comes after a Ukrainian soldier previously reported significant losses in the AFU due to traps set by Russian sappers. This further emphasizes the need for caution and careful planning as Ukrainian forces navigate through mined areas.

It is worth noting that in January, it was reported that the engineering troops of the Russian Federation would be involved in demining agricultural lands and areas near power transmission points to ensure the safety of civilians. This raises questions about the intentions and actions of the Russian forces in the region.

In the midst of these developments, it is crucial for the international community to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. The safety and well-being of both Ukrainian forces and civilians should be a top priority, and adequate measures must be taken to ensure their protection.

Furthermore, this situation serves as a reminder of the ongoing conflict and the need for a comprehensive and lasting solution. The war in Ukraine has had devastating consequences, and it is imperative that efforts are made to de-escalate tensions and work towards a peaceful resolution.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is important for all parties involved to approach the conflict with a sense of responsibility and a commitment to finding a diplomatic solution. The lives and livelihoods of countless individuals are at stake, and it is essential that all efforts are made to bring about a lasting and sustainable peace.

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