Sexual Exploitation Scandal: National Guard Soldiers Accused of Abusing Vulnerable Migrants at NY Hotel

In the latest disturbing development at the border, five New York National Guardsmen and a contract worker are facing allegations of sexually exploiting asylum seekers at a hotel in Cheektowaga, New York. These brave soldiers, who were supposed to be assisting with the influx of migrants, are now accused of taking advantage of vulnerable individuals and engaging in inappropriate behavior.

According to a report from, seven migrants have come forward, detailing instances of sexual exploitation at the Quality Inn where they were being housed. The soldiers allegedly took migrants, including teenagers, away from the hotel and demanded sexual favors or attempted to enter into romantic relationships with them. This reprehensible behavior is a clear abuse of power and a betrayal of the trust placed in these guardsmen.

The lawsuit, filed on February 8, paints a disturbing picture of the soldiers’ actions. Sgt. Deven Colon, the high-ranking Guardsman on duty at the hotel, is named in the lawsuit and is accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a migrant. He allegedly bought her gifts, made sexual comments, and even took her to his home and other locations. Colon is also accused of promising to help her and her children, using his authority to manipulate and exploit her vulnerability.

The trips away from the hotel were referred to as “dates” by Colon, according to the lawsuit. On one occasion, he arranged for six other guardsmen to transport the woman and her children to a rental property, where he allegedly demanded sexual favors. This is a shocking example of the abuse of power and the complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of these vulnerable individuals.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. The lawsuit also claims that another woman and her children were taken from the hotel by Colon, who proceeded to give the mother a massage while flirting with her teenage daughter. He later texted the teenager, telling her he found her attractive. The exploitation of minors is particularly despicable and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

It is deeply troubling that those who are meant to protect and serve are instead preying on the most vulnerable. The New York National Guard and Governor Kathy Hochul must take swift and decisive action to address these allegations and ensure that justice is served. Any substantiated allegations should result in severe consequences for the individuals involved, including criminal charges if appropriate.

The Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis has already been heavily criticized, and this latest development only adds to the growing list of concerns. It is imperative that the government takes immediate action to address the rampant abuse and exploitation occurring under its watch.

The safety and well-being of these migrants, many of whom are already fleeing dangerous situations, should be a top priority. The fact that such heinous acts are taking place within the ranks of the National Guard is a stain on the integrity of our armed forces. It is time for accountability and for those responsible to face the full consequences of their actions.

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