Hillary Clinton Dismisses Concerns Over President Biden’s Age, Calls It a ‘Legitimate Issue’ for Trump Too

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton weighed in on concerns about President Biden’s age, calling it a “legitimate issue.” During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Clinton stated that she talks to people in the White House who acknowledge that Biden’s age is a concern. She noted that this is also a legitimate issue for former President Donald Trump, who is only three years younger than Biden.

However, Clinton dismissed these concerns, stating that she supports Biden based on his merits and the job he has done as president. She suggested that Biden should focus on the wisdom he has gained over the years and “kid” about his age. Clinton argued that Biden’s experience goes beyond politics and includes human experience, character, and wisdom.

Clinton’s comments come in the midst of criticism against Biden’s age and memory. Former President Bill Clinton’s lead strategist, James Carville, recently stated that the White House has little confidence in Biden after he turned down a Super Bowl Sunday interview. Carville argued that this decision is a sign that either the staff or Biden himself lacks confidence.

Additionally, former Bill Clinton strategist and CNN political commentator Paul Begala admitted that Special Counsel Robert Hur’s indictment of Biden’s memory and Biden’s response was “terrible for Democrats.” Begala expressed his concern about the impact of this revelation on the Democratic Party.

Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report revealed that Biden willfully retained classified U.S. documents as a private citizen. Although no charges were recommended against the president, the report described him as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory, which could serve as a defense at trial.

Overall, concerns about President Biden’s age have been acknowledged by Hillary Clinton, but she dismissed them and emphasized Biden’s experience and wisdom. Critics, including James Carville and Paul Begala, have raised questions about the White House’s confidence in Biden and the impact of his memory issues on the Democratic Party.

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