Mysterious Theft Leaves Alabama Radio Station in Shock as 200-Foot Tower Disappears

Officials at WJLX, an Alabama radio station, are left bewildered as a 200-foot tower mysteriously vanishes from their property. The station’s manager, Brett Elmore, expressed his disbelief at the audacity of the theft, stating that he has never encountered anything like it in his 26 years in the radio business. The incident came to light when a landscaping crew arrived at the tower site in Jasper, only to discover that the entire structure, along with all the equipment inside the building, had been stolen.

Describing the baffling nature of the crime, a post on the radio station’s Facebook page revealed that the culprits had not only dismantled the tower but also cut the guy-wires, causing the tower to collapse. This act not only constituted a major theft but also a federal crime, as they tampered with a federally licensed facility.

While the radio station plans to rebuild the tower, Elmore made it clear that they will not rest until the perpetrators are brought to justice. He emphasized that the theft has had a significant impact on their small operation and vowed to collaborate with investigators to identify and apprehend those responsible. Elmore also highlighted the seriousness of the offense, stating that it is a federal crime that will not be worth it for the thieves in the end.

In the meantime, WJLX is working closely with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to secure temporary authorization for continued broadcasting of its AM channel using alternative means. The station is determined to ensure that their listeners are not left without their favorite programming during this challenging time.

The mysterious disappearance of the 200-foot tower has left the Alabama radio station grappling with the repercussions of a major theft. As they navigate the aftermath and work towards rebuilding, their resolve to seek justice remains unwavering. The community anxiously awaits answers, hoping that the culprits will be swiftly apprehended, and the stolen tower recovered.

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