Republican Congressman Blames Biden’s Foreign Policy for Deaths of US Troops in Jordan

In a recent interview on ‘Fox & Friends’, Rep. Derrick Van Orden, R-Wis., criticized the Biden administration’s foreign policy decisions and how they have put American lives at risk. He specifically highlighted the deaths of three U.S. troops in Jordan last month and warned that thousands more could be in danger. Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., also expressed his concerns, stating that President Biden’s military response to Houthi rebels in the Red Sea came too late and that there is a direct cause-and-effect between the delayed response and the recent U.S. service member deaths.

According to Rep. Scott, it is crucial to impose consequences on those who attack U.S. troops stationed abroad. He emphasized that simply hoping for a change in behavior from aggressors is not enough, and that they will only stop when their actions lead to punishment. Scott argued that the Biden administration’s failure to respond to the initial attacks earlier sent a message of weakness to U.S. adversaries, putting American lives at risk.

The Pentagon attributed the drone attack on U.S. troops stationed in Jordan to Iran-backed militants. The attack resulted in the deaths of three soldiers and the injury of 34 others. This incident is part of a broader pattern of attacks against U.S. troops in the region. Since October 7, when Hamas militants invaded Israel and caused significant casualties, U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and Syria have been targeted over 150 times. Iran-backed Houthi rebels have also launched numerous attacks in the Red Sea on commercial and military ships, claiming it is a response to U.S. support for Israel.

In response to these attacks, President Biden has authorized several rounds of airstrikes, in coordination with the U.K. and other allies, on Houthi positions in Yemen. The recent airstrikes in Iraq and Syria were conducted as a retaliation for the deaths of the three U.S. service members. Rep. Scott commended the bravery and skill of the U.S. Central Command for carrying out these strikes, emphasizing that those who strike against the U.S. will face consequences.

However, Rep. Scott remains critical of Biden’s overall approach, stating that his inaction and delayed response have put American lives at risk. He argued that previous U.S. presidents, regardless of party affiliation, have always responded to attacks on U.S. soldiers or military assets. Scott expressed his pessimism about the consequences of Biden’s weak response and the potential impact on the safety of American troops deployed around the world.

The article also mentions the dignified transfer of the remains of the three service members killed in Jordan, Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, Spc. Kennedy Landon Sanders, and Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett. It notes that Digital has reached out to the White House for a response to Rep. Scott’s criticism.

In conclusion, Republican lawmakers are raising concerns about the Biden administration’s foreign policy decisions and their impact on the safety of U.S. troops stationed abroad. They argue that a strong and immediate response is necessary to deter further attacks and protect American lives. The article highlights the recent deaths of three U.S. troops in Jordan and the broader pattern of attacks against U.S. forces in the region.

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