Myanmar’s Armed Resistance Strives for Democracy and Self-Determination

Three years after the generals’ power grab, anti-coup fighters in Myanmar are determined to remove them from the country’s political landscape. What began as nonviolent protests against the military coup on February 1, 2021, quickly escalated into an armed uprising as the military responded with brutal force. Ethnic armed organizations fighting for autonomy along the country’s borders have joined the anti-coup groups, resulting in an unprecedented scale of resistance in Myanmar’s history. These resistance forces share a common goal of overturning the military-dominated political system and establishing a federal democracy that grants self-determination to ethnic minorities.

In an exclusive interview, four individuals involved in the armed resistance shared their experiences and aspirations. Despite coming from different backgrounds and serving with different groups, they all share a commitment to advancing a more just and equitable society. To protect their families from military reprisals, they use pseudonyms.

One of the armed resistance groups, the BPLA, was established in April 2021 by activist and poet Maung Saungkha. It is the only armed resistance group that represents the ethnic Bamar majority and aims to combat the dominant role of Bamar people in Myanmar society. The BPLA has played a significant role in Operation 1027, a joint offensive that has brought major gains for anti-coup forces. Ma Wai, a former chef in Dubai, joined the resistance after witnessing the military’s brutal crackdown on protesters. Despite initial concerns about leaving her job and supporting her family, she ultimately chose to join the armed resistance. Ma Wai’s story reflects the sacrifices and determination of many others who have joined the resistance.

The Karenni Nationalities Defence Forces (KNDF) is a coalition of armed resistance groups in Myanmar’s southeastern Karenni State. The state, which had been peaceful for nearly a decade before the coup, has seen heavy fighting since then. Despite facing a major disparity in arms, the resistance forces have made significant gains. Khun, a former migrant worker in Malaysia, returned to his village in Karenni State after the coup and witnessed the loss of opportunities and the brutality of the military. Motivated by a desire for self-determination and peace, he joined the KNDF. Khun’s work involves overseeing rations distribution and fundraising for his battalion, but the intensification of fighting has made his role more challenging.

The Chin National Front, which entered a ceasefire with the military in 2012, resumed its armed struggle after the coup. Nehemiah, who dropped out of university to join the Chin National Army, highlights the importance of unity among the resistance forces. He emphasizes the need for coordination in Chin State, known for its remote and mountainous terrain, to sustain the recent momentum on the battlefield. Nehemiah’s commitment to the armed revolution stems from a desire to protect his ethnic people and establish an autonomous Chin nation.

The People’s Defence Force Dawei District in Tanintharyi region operates under the National Unity Government, a parallel administration formed by elected politicians and activists opposing the coup. Noble, a university student union leader, joined the resistance after her mother’s arrest by the military. She has experienced the loss of comrades and the challenges of displacement. Despite the difficulties, Noble remains committed to the resistance, drawing strength from her fallen comrades.

These stories shed light on the determination and resilience of Myanmar’s armed resistance. They also highlight the urgent need for international support to address the ongoing human rights violations and violence perpetrated by the military. The fight for democracy and self-determination in Myanmar continues, with these brave individuals at the forefront of the struggle.

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