Rep. Claudia Tenney Nominates Former President Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., warns that the border crisis at the southern border is becoming an invasion under President Biden’s leadership on “Fox Report.” FIRST ON FOX: Just days after three American soldiers were killed by Iranian proxies, Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., nominated former President Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize, citing his “historic” Abraham Accords treaty.

According to Tenney, Donald Trump played a crucial role in facilitating the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in almost 30 years. She stated, “For decades, bureaucrats, foreign policy ‘professionals’, and international organizations insisted that additional Middle East peace agreements were impossible without a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Trump proved that to be false.”

Despite the acknowledgement of previous peace accords by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, such as the peace accord between Israel and Egypt in 1978 and the Oslo Accords in 1994, there has been no recognition for Trump’s role in brokering an agreement between Israel and four of its Arab neighbors aimed at normalizing diplomatic and economic relations between the nations.

Tenney emphasized the need to recognize Trump’s efforts in achieving world peace, especially in light of Joe Biden’s perceived weak leadership on the international stage. She stated, “Now more than ever, when Joe Biden’s weak leadership on the international stage is threatening our country’s safety and security, we must recognize Trump for his strong leadership and his efforts to achieve world peace. I am honored to nominate former President Donald Trump today and am eager for him to receive the recognition he deserves.”

Although Trump was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize during his presidency, he did not receive the award. Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, first nominated Trump in 2020, applauding his efforts toward resolving protracted conflicts worldwide. Laura Huhtasaari, an MEP and a member of the right-wing Swedish Finns Party, also nominated Trump for the 2021 prize, recognizing his endeavors to end endless wars and promote dialogue and negotiations. Additionally, a group of Australian lawmakers nominated Trump for his reduction of America’s involvement in wars.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2021 will be announced in October.

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