Republican Attorneys General Back Texas Governor’s Stand Against ‘Invasion’ at Southern Border

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird leads a group of 26 Republican attorneys general who are supporting Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to defend his state against what they call an “invasion” at the southern border. The attorneys general argue that the Biden administration’s failure to enforce federal immigration laws has allowed millions of people to illegally enter Texas, posing a threat to national security. They assert that states must have the ability to defend themselves from such invasions.

Last week, Governor Abbott announced his intention to use Article 1 powers to protect Texas from the influx of illegal immigrants. This decision has sparked a legal battle, with questions arising about the legal grounds Abbott can claim to support his actions. However, the attorneys general maintain that Texas has the right to construct razor wire fencing along the border, despite the Supreme Court’s temporary ruling allowing the federal government to continue cutting the fencing.

In a letter addressed to President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the attorneys general argue that Texas is within its rights to defend its borders and that reports suggesting otherwise are incorrect or intentionally misleading. They cite Article I, section 10, clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which allows states to act in self-defense during times of crisis. They also reference a 2012 Supreme Court case where Justice Scalia emphasized states’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.

The attorneys general express concerns about cartels, terror groups, and criminal organizations exploiting the border crisis to enter the United States undetected. They argue that the mass influx of people poses a significant challenge that no state, including Texas, can handle alone. They point out that since President Biden’s inauguration in 2021, over 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border, equivalent to adding the populations of Iowa and Utah to the country in less than three years.

Attorney General Bird emphasizes that the invasion at the southern border affects every state in the nation, not just those directly bordering Mexico. She believes that if the Biden administration fails to secure the border and protect American citizens, states should have the authority under the U.S. Constitution to defend themselves. Attorney General Reyes of Utah echoes this sentiment, stating that Texas’ fight is everyone’s fight, and states have the power to defend their laws and citizens when the federal government fails to do so.

In conclusion, Republican attorneys general are standing behind Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to defend his state against what they see as an invasion at the southern border. They argue that the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country, posing a threat to national security. These attorneys general assert that states must have the ability to protect themselves and their citizens when the federal government fails to do so.

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