Senator Calls for US Strikes on Iran Following Attack on American Base

Senator Lindsey Graham has called on the United States administration to strike important targets within Iran as a response to the recent attack on an American military base in the Middle East. Graham’s statement, reported by RIA Novosti, emphasizes the need for retaliation for the sake of American soldiers and as a means of deterring future aggression.

On January 29, it was reported that over thirty US servicemen may have suffered traumatic brain injuries during a drone attack on an American military base on the border of Jordan and Syria. Iraqi news portal Shafaq News claimed that the drones involved in the attack on the US and Western coalition military base in the Et-Tanf area were launched from Iraqi territory.

Al Jazeera reported that the unmanned aerial vehicle responsible for the attack on the US base was launched from Syrian territory.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden promised to respond to the attack on the military base.

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