Russian Federation Claims Ukrainian Special Forces Operating in Various Countries

In an interview with TASS, Alexander Lavrentyev, the special representative of the Russian president for Syrian settlement, revealed that the Russian Federation has information indicating that Ukrainian special forces are operating in several countries. However, he clarified that these operations do not take place in Syria but rather in other nations.

Lavrentyev explained that Ukrainian authorities are hesitant to deploy their military forces for combat operations in foreign countries due to the potential reputational damage and consequences if their soldiers were caught, eliminated, and the operation made public. As a result, they prefer to act covertly.

Earlier, former commander of the fourth platoon of the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Nikolay Melnik, stated that the Ukrainian military faces difficulties in managing and training mobilized troops. Additionally, soldiers in training centers primarily engage in alcohol consumption rather than proper training.

The New York Times previously reported that the training of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers by American instructors, who attempted to teach them to operate like US troops during operations in Afghanistan and other countries, did not yield satisfactory results.

Furthermore, a captured Ukrainian soldier disclosed how Ukrainian special forces violated the Minsk agreements.

It is important to note that the information provided is based on statements and reports, and further verification may be required to confirm the accuracy of these claims.

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