Republicans Back Away from Border Bill Negotiations, Citing Presidential Election Year

In a recent interview on “Sunday,” Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma discussed the ongoing efforts of Republicans to pass a border security package. Lankford explained that Republicans are stepping back from the border bill negotiations due to the upcoming presidential election year. Contrary to Senator Ted Cruz’s assertion that the package is about letting 5,000 people in a day, Lankford emphasized that the bill aims to achieve zero illegal crossings per day. He clarified that the bill includes measures such as increasing the number of Border Patrol agents, asylum officers, and detention beds to quickly detain and deport individuals. Lankford also highlighted that the bill ends catch and release, changes the asylum process, and allows for deportation flights.

The bill has faced criticism from some Republicans who believe that pursuing the bill would give President Biden a win in addressing the border crisis. However, Lankford argued that the timing of the election should not affect progress on securing the border. He emphasized the importance of all politicians fulfilling their commitment to the Constitution and working together to secure the border.

Lankford also highlighted alarming statistics, stating that over the past four months, 50 people on the terror watch list and tens of thousands of declared national security risks were detected crossing the border. He argued that the bill introduces mandatory provisions to enforce the law and prevent such security breaches in the future. Lankford expressed his disbelief that President Biden could suddenly be seen as a pro-national security president after inviting the world to cross the border, resulting in chaos. He stressed the need to act immediately and equip future presidents with the necessary tools to secure the border.

Later in the program, Senator Rick Scott of Florida voiced criticism from his own party against Lankford, accusing the Biden administration of being lawless and emphasizing the need for accountability measures to enforce border security. Scott mentioned that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Lankford that accountability measures cannot be added to the bill to require immediate action from President Biden.

In conclusion, the ongoing negotiations on the border bill have revealed divisions within the Republican party regarding their approach to border security. While some argue for the need to hold the Biden administration accountable, others stress the urgency of addressing the border crisis. As the presidential election year looms, Republicans face the challenge of balancing their election priorities with their commitment to securing the border and enforcing the law.

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