UN Urges Continued Funding for UNRWA’s Lifesaving Aid in Gaza Amid Funding Cuts by Western Countries

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is facing a funding crisis after several Western countries cut aid to the agency. Despite being considered a lifeline for two million people in Gaza, UNRWA has suffered funding cuts following allegations against some of its staff members regarding their involvement in a Hamas attack. The United Nations (UN) has expressed shock at the swift funding cut amid the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza caused by Israel’s aerial and ground war. UNRWA Chief Philippe Lazzarini has called for continued funding for the agency’s crucial work, emphasizing the need to distinguish between individual actions and the agency’s overall mission.

The acronym UNRWA stands for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Established in 1949, the agency supports the relief and human development of Palestinian refugees in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Its areas of focus include education, healthcare, relief and social services, infrastructure, and emergency response. UNRWA relies on voluntary contributions, with 94.9 percent of funding coming from countries worldwide and the European Union (EU). In 2022, the EU member states contributed 44.3 percent of the agency’s total pledges, with the United States, Germany, the EU, and Sweden being the largest individual donors.

Former UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness has warned that the agency has only weeks left before running out of money for its crucial aid work in Gaza. Gunness called on Arab states, particularly those in the Gulf with significant oil revenues, to step up their support. He emphasized that the funding gap created by Western countries could be filled quickly if the Arab world took action. The dire situation in Gaza, including the risk of starvation and famine, highlights the urgent need for continued funding.

The allegations against UNRWA staff members were brought forward by Israeli authorities, resulting in the termination of their contracts and an internal investigation by the agency. The US Department of State expressed deep concern over the allegations, which involved 12 UNRWA employees. Israel has long been critical of UNRWA, with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz calling for UNRWA Chief Lazzarini’s resignation in response to his warning about the consequences of funding cuts. Gunness described the situation as a coordinated political attack on the agency.

Despite the ongoing war in Gaza, UNRWA’s core staff members continue to report to work, providing crucial assistance to the population. Two million people, out of a total population of 2.3 million in Gaza, depend on UNRWA’s humanitarian operation. The agency runs shelters for over one million people and provides food and primary healthcare, even amidst the hostilities. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized that the needs of the desperate populations served by UNRWA must be met, and the agency’s employees should not be penalized due to the recent allegations.

The wave of funding suspensions started with the United States, followed by Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Finland. France announced that it has not planned a new payment to fund UNRWA in the first quarter of 2024 but will decide on future action in conjunction with the United Nations and its main donors. Ireland and Norway expressed continued support for UNRWA, recognizing the agency’s crucial role in providing aid and assistance to Palestinians in need. They emphasized the importance of distinguishing between individual actions and the overall work of UNRWA.

In conclusion, the UN is urging countries to continue funding UNRWA’s lifesaving aid in Gaza, despite allegations against some of its staff members. The agency plays a crucial role in providing relief and support to Palestinian refugees in the region. While some Western countries have cut their funding, others, including Ireland and Norway, have expressed their continued support for UNRWA’s vital work. The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza underscores the urgent need for sustained contributions to ensure the well-being of the population.

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