Texas Border Showdown: DeSantis Criticizes Biden’s Immigration Deal in Video

Constitutional attorney Mark Smith provides a legal analysis of the border showdown between Texas and the Biden administration, and discusses the Trump vs. E. Jean Carroll verdict. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis criticized the Senate border deal endorsed by President Biden in a video on Saturday, calling it a “farce.” On Friday, the president acknowledged that he would “shut down the border” if a new bipartisan immigration deal is passed by Congress. Biden claims that he does not have that power already.

“For too long, we all know the border’s been broken,” Biden said in a press release. “It’s long past time to fix it.” “What’s been negotiated would — if passed into law — be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country,” he added. “It would give me, as president, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.”

In a video posted on X, the former Republican 2024 presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, accused Biden of being negligent. “This border deal is a farce,” DeSantis argued. “Joe Biden already has the authority to shut the border down. He could declare a national emergency. He could stop the invasion cold if he wanted to. He does not want to.”

“This so-called deal purports to give him tools so that he could actually close the border. The reality is, is it’s green-lighting up to 5000 illegals every single day,” he added. “That’s 1.8 million plus over the course of a year, which they’re codifying into laws, saying that’s an appropriate number of illegal entries.”

DeSantis argued that the “appropriate” number of illegal entries is really zero. “Our policy should reflect that, that we do not want people coming to this country illegally,” DeSantis said. “We should not be giving benefits and work permits to people that have come to this country illegally.”

“So Biden has the authority. He doesn’t have the will. He doesn’t have the political philosophy to want to actually solve the problem,” he continued.

The Supreme Court recently sided with Biden in the Texas border wire case, a decision that was criticized by the Border Patrol Union. Critics of the decision also bashed the ruling, allowing the federal government to cut the razor Texas installed to stem illegal border crossings.

While DeSantis and other Republicans express their concerns about Biden’s immigration deal, the president remains determined to fix the broken border and believes that the proposed reforms would be the toughest and fairest in the country’s history. The ongoing border showdown between Texas and the Biden administration continues to be a contentious issue, highlighting the challenges and differing approaches when it comes to immigration policy.

As the debate over border control continues, constitutional attorney Mark Smith provides a legal analysis of the situation, shedding light on the complex legal aspects involved. This analysis offers valuable insights into the ongoing border dispute and the potential implications for both Texas and the Biden administration.

It is essential to closely monitor the developments surrounding the Texas border showdown, as it has significant implications for immigration policy and the overall political landscape. Stay tuned for updates on this issue as it unfolds.

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