Maine Supreme Court Delays Decision on Trump’s Presence on Primary Ballot Pending Supreme Court Ruling

In a recent development, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court has decided to postpone its decision on whether former President Donald Trump can be included on the state’s primary ballot until the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a similar case in Colorado. This decision comes after the state’s top court unanimously dismissed Secretary of State Shenna Bellows’ appeal to withdraw, modify, or uphold her previous decision to exclude Trump from the ballot on Super Tuesday in March.

Bellows initially deemed Trump ineligible under the insurrection clause of the Constitution and removed him from the primary ballot in December. However, a judge placed a hold on her decision pending the outcome of the Colorado case. Trump, who is currently the Republican frontrunner in the presidential race, criticized Bellows’ decision and accused her of bias against him, claiming that it disenfranchised voters in Maine. He also suggested that some Democrats were involved in an effort to keep him off the ballot.

Bellows defended her decision by stating that she felt obligated to take action after several Maine residents challenged Trump’s right to be on the ballot under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. The amendment includes a provision in Section 3 that prohibits individuals who have “engaged in insurrection” from holding office. Some argue that Trump’s actions following the 2020 presidential election, including his attempt to overturn the results and the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, qualify as an insurrection.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in the Colorado case on February 8, and Super Tuesday is set to take place approximately six weeks later, on March 5. The outcome of the Supreme Court ruling will likely have implications for Trump’s presence on the primary ballot in Maine.

It is important to note that this issue is part of a broader discussion on the role of former President Trump and the actions of the Republican Party. This decision by the Maine Supreme Court adds to the ongoing controversies surrounding Trump’s potential candidacy and highlights the legal uncertainties surrounding his eligibility.

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